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Thank you for your interest in
Ink by Smink

Before registering, there are just a few things you need to know.

1. Ink by Smink does not participate in retouches OR coverups. These request forms will likely be dismissed due to volume.

2. Ink by Smink prioritizes large scale projects (back pieces, full sleeves). Minimum full day is required to book (4-6 hours). Multiple day sits for large scale projects are preferred and available upon request (specify below).

3. Sticking to a theme when doing large scale pieces is recommended. When getting sleeves and back pieces, it is best to stay focused on one idea.

4. Have an open mind. Best bet to secure an appointment is to have a very broad idea. "As a professional artist, let me create an original piece specifically for you".

5. Be confident in what you want. Be prepared as several appointments will be booked at once for large scale projects. A non-refundable deposit of $300+HST is required and will be removed off the final sessions cost.

6. Be patient. High volumes of requests are submitted daily. I thank you very much for your patience and look forward to discussing ideas with you soon!

Ink by Smink

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